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Celebrating the Lincoln General Store

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From September to December 2023, the Lincoln Library hosted an exhibit celebrating the Lincoln General Store and its forebearers. 

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Lincoln Town-wide Yard Sale

During Memorial Day weekend, the Lincoln Historical Society participates in the town-wide yard sale. All kinds of treasures, historical and modern, are arrayed in the front room of the museum, in the barn, and in the front yard. All proceeds go to maintaining the LHS's holdings and furthering its mission.

Thanks to all who came by the Lincoln Historical Society during the Town-wide Yard Sale on Saturday, May 25, 2024 and bought a needed treasure! We appreciate your support.

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Lively & Local: Historical Societies in Vermont
April 7 - October 30, 2021

     All Lincoln Historical Society members can visit FREE!
The Lincoln Historical Society is part of a new exhibition at the Vermont History Museum in Montpelier exploring the work of local historical societies through images and stories curated by a selection of participants from around the state. Visitors of the exhibit will learn about the missions and goals of 14 local institutions and the incredible work they do to safeguard our shared history. Visitors can also find information on hundreds of local history groups via an online directory kiosk and “build their own” historical society by choosing objects from participating organizations and the Vermont Historical Society.

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Lincoln Community School 4th and 5th graders show off their Colonial attire during a class session. The Lincoln Historical Society partnered with the school in producing lesson plans and co-teaching the classes in a Revolutionary War unit relating to local history. The lesson plans were all connected to literacy or social studies standards based on curriculum guidelines. Students used primary sources, learned what a primary source was, and also invented new lyrics to the song “Yankee Doodle” based on local history.


 What's Your Story? at Lincoln Library

Of course, our library has lots of stories that are contained within books, but our community also has lots of stories that are contained within people. The Lincoln Library is sharing these stories and Lincoln Historical Society President and local historian, Rhonda Hutchins is one of the "books"!!


  • The History of the Mill in Lincoln Center by Rhonda Hutchins


  There are other interesting subjects as well. “Book covers” represent each story that a person has volunteered to share. On Monday and Wednesday afternoons between 2:30 and 5:30, you are welcome to arrange a half hour time slot via email:, or phone: 453-2665 to check out a “book” (really a person) and listen to their story. (2021)


We Now Have Lincoln, VT Walking Tours!

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Have you ever wondered about the history of the various houses and other buildings and sites in Lincoln? Well now you can learn all about them while strolling through our lovely town. The Lincoln Historical Society and Lincoln Library have teamed up to offer two walking tours of Lincoln Center.


Tour #1 takes you from the Lincoln Library to Gove Hill Road and back to the Library. Tour #2 takes you from the Lincoln General Store up East River Road to the Rice House or the original site of the Lincoln Lumber Company and back to the Store. Both are in a detailed full-color booklet form.


For those who would like to take a shorter tour, a brochure version is also available at the Lincoln Library. You may pick up the tours at the Lincoln Library or the Lincoln General Store. Happy History Touring!

Women's Suffrage: A Long Path to Change

The Lincoln Historical Society's annual exhibit for 2020 titled, Women's Suffrage: A Long Path to Change, is in honor of the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th amendment granting women the right to vote. The exhibit explores the history of women’s suffrage in the United States with an emphasis on Vermont and Lincoln. Period photographs, posters, postcards, newspapers, and documents reveal the influential leaders of the suffrage movement, as well as the people involved closer to home.


On exhibit at the Lincoln Library, October 2020

   © 2024 by Lincoln Historical Society

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